Facts and Reports

By The Numbers Pie Chart Image

Student Demographics

Female: 37%
Male: 63%
Minority: 16%
International: 51%
Countries of Origin: 105

Degrees Awarded 2022-23

Bachelor: 630
Master: 1218
First Professional: 213
Doctoral: 80
Certificates: 4

Illinois Institute of Technology Quick Facts

Armour Institute was founded in 1890 and merged with Lewis Institute in 1940 to become Illinois Institute of Technology. Illinois Tech is a private, independent, nonprofit, Ph.D.- granting, coeducational university accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA).

Additional reports not maintained by OII:

Information on admission, enrollment, retention, graduation, degrees conferred, and organizational charts are available to Illinois Tech faculty and staff through myIIT from the Institutional Information channel on the Work tab.